“Die Father Die”, best short at the 8th Logcinema Art Films Festival

REVIEWS Dick Stanford

Luis Grajera's short, “Die Father Die”, won the award for best short at the 8th Logcinema Art Films Festival, which took place this week in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Spanish director, prevailed with an unusual quality, among 14 finalists from different countries of the world who came to compete. He had already worked on good productions such as "The finger" (2015) and "I love you" (2018).
The story of a girl, the daughter of a widower, who tries to convince her partner to murder her father, is well acted and impeccably lit. The dialogues suggest at times a black comedy that does not evade the psychological profiles of the characters.
Grajera is ready for us to see him venture into an industrial production pitch. The film deserves to be seen.

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