REVIEWS Dick Stanford

Just under two minutes is enough for Ali Dolatabadii, from Iran, to show us the problem of an individual facing himself, perhaps existential. It was also enough to achieve an "Official Selection" at the 8th Logcinema Art Films Festival, which took place this week in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The camera dedicated all the time to the face of a man and his concerns, with a neat photograph, helped by an excellent light, gives another dimension to this short that deserves to be highlighted, at a time when the experimental production does not surprise us.

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Nueve lecciones de vida que aprendí de Donald Sutherland

Alfonso Bueno López

Last Thursday, June 20, the chameleon actor Donald Sutherland died in Miami. The actor, of Canadian origin, leaves behind a legacy of almost two hundred appearances in film and television, where his charisma, versatility and professionalism always shone. Hollywood did not appreciate in time one of the great actors of his generation, and wanted to compensate his blindness with an honorary Oscar, which was delivered to him in 2017. In an emotional speech, brimming with lucidity and a sense of humor, he thanked the characters he had played throughout his career, thanking them for having used their lives to talk about their own lives.