A beautiful walk through Golconda

REVIEWS Abel Figueroa

In a short film presented at the "Literature in Film Festival" in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we live a beautiful experience. “An Evening in Golconda”, by Teena Amrit Gill, recreates a poem by renowned Indian poet Kunwar Narain, where the protagonist is the Golconda fort in Hyderabad, India.

Teena Amrit Gill is an independent filmmaker and also a poet. His film, which was an official selection at the festival, stood out for its elegant and profound cinematographic language, in the aesthetic appreciation, in 11 minutes, of an ancestral place that surely invites recollection.

She is presently directing a film on gender and sexuality in early and contemporary Buddhism in India's Himalayan region, and an Independent film on the theme of Interbeing – through poetry, quantum physics, the natural sciences, and spiritual traditions.

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Alfonso Bueno López

Last Thursday, June 20, the chameleon actor Donald Sutherland died in Miami. The actor, of Canadian origin, leaves behind a legacy of almost two hundred appearances in film and television, where his charisma, versatility and professionalism always shone. Hollywood did not appreciate in time one of the great actors of his generation, and wanted to compensate his blindness with an honorary Oscar, which was delivered to him in 2017. In an emotional speech, brimming with lucidity and a sense of humor, he thanked the characters he had played throughout his career, thanking them for having used their lives to talk about their own lives.