REVIEWS Gustavo Coletti

A film from the United States that became a finalist at the 5th Anti-Censorship Film Festival in Argentina, surprised us with its quality and current theme. It was “The Trust Game”. Directed by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Dykes. It narrates with some sarcasm, but absolute seriousness in the investigation, the facts related to the struggles for political power, or more exactly, for the sum of power. The creation of the Central Bank of the United States will serve as an excuse to reveal to us very complex and dangerous interests.


The creators are married, and obviously working together gives them excellent results. In 2018, Aaron and Melissa released 'The Minds of Men' a thorough and damning investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of social engineering and mind control during the Cold War — a mind-bending journey into the past that gives startling insight into the world that has been created for us today.

The origin of “The Trust Game” is a series of 10 episodes that will trap the viewer in the analysis of factors that may seem very complex outside the vision of the film, but which are exposed here in a simple and direct way.

What we could see at the Festival is the first chapter of the series that lasts 45 minutes and is called “Crowns and Sovereigns”. It analyzes how people, at the time of escaping from the monarchy, invest all their trust in a new order. The next episodes will talk about freedom, lenders, cryptocurrencies and the consequences of absolute economic power.

The film is formidable, and heralds a series that will surely enlighten us in the same way.

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