REVIEWS Abel Figueroa

At the 5th Anticensura Film Festival, which took place a few days ago in Argentina, “Hairy” was official selection. A United States production directed by Maximillian Aguiar, from whom we saw "THE DOORS BETWEEN US" and "VENEER".

In this case it is a feature film in splendid black and white, which deals with the misadventures, in a comedy tone, of a young man. Tyler, known as the hairy one, who suddenly faces the possibilities of important changes in his life, which they can also transform their own essence. We could say that it is an identity search game.

The cast, led by Logan Diemert and Amanda Graeff, shines for their performances and the sympathy they convey. Also Tyler's universe, with old and new friends, comes closer to the viewer. It is possible to find in their friendly relations, parameters with those who have been by our side at some time. The film may have a few minutes more, but they do not bother in this friendly journey through the human condition.


Maximillian Aguiar

An excellent comedy by Aguiar, who already has an extensive record of awards and nominations at international festivals. Totally deserved. 

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