Searching For Chunk is an audacious film

REVIEWS Gustavo Coletti Gustavo Coletti
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Sometimes it happens that we come across an unusual film and we have a hard time classifying it. The truth is that no movie needs to be rated. “Searching for Chunk”, which was an official selection at the 9th Music Film Festival, this July in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is one of those cases.

With a duration of 42 minutes, which is close to a feature film, it exhibits an exceptional audacity that surprises me. The story is simple, it is about two friends who discover a very old record on You Tube and decide to investigate more about that recording. That search ends up being very entertaining and fresh, since it is allowed to navigate in several waters.

I could say to simplify that it is an experimental film, but it is more than that. Samuel Haft directed it and wrote it with Bill Bria. Also, they both act. And it's hard to know what the primary intention was. At the festival it competed for the soundtrack, which is crazy in itself because the “Searching For Chunk” soundtrack is more noise than anything else. But it's okay that it is. The soundtrack is closer to the identity of the film than anything else.

The use of vertical filming, characteristic of cell phones, and some moments that are bloopers are the things that would allow it to be classified as experimental, but it has so many surreal moments that the attempt to classify it becomes a weather vane.

It's so funny and fresh that I could say it's worth watching. I'm going to post the google translation of this review to see what comes out. The unexpected will be the best tribute to a film that does not aspire to be understood.

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