War, peace and democracy: Ukraine in film

Lithuanian filmmaker Mantas Kvedaravicius, whose documentary "Mariupolis" premiered at the 2016 Berlinale, was killed in an attack in the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol. DW takes a look at other Ukrainian films.


The filmmaker was killed in a Russian attack while trying to leave Mariupol, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry. Kvedaravicius is best known for his film "Mariupolis," which premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2016. His conflict-zone documentary about the battle in the Donetsk region port city is one of many films exploring Ukraine's turbulent history.

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Alfonso Bueno López

Last Thursday, June 20, the chameleon actor Donald Sutherland died in Miami. The actor, of Canadian origin, leaves behind a legacy of almost two hundred appearances in film and television, where his charisma, versatility and professionalism always shone. Hollywood did not appreciate in time one of the great actors of his generation, and wanted to compensate his blindness with an honorary Oscar, which was delivered to him in 2017. In an emotional speech, brimming with lucidity and a sense of humor, he thanked the characters he had played throughout his career, thanking them for having used their lives to talk about their own lives.