Simon O'Corra won as best script with “Ward Six” in Argentina

NEWS Abel Figueroa

At the first “Literature in Cinema” festival, which took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, last April, a large number of scripts were presented, as expected. The buffs focused on the contribution that cinema makes to literature or, conversely, how much literature contributes to cinema.
There were great works from all over the world, but ultimately it was Simon O'Corra's “Ward Six” that took the laurel. The story, based on a short story by Russian writer Anton Chekhov, tells the story of a provincial doctor in an asylum for the mentally insane, and his intellectual conflicts with his patient. This classic of Russian literature is iconic, in the sense that it makes a defense of intelligence as perhaps the only important characteristic of human nature. It is said that Lenin was disturbed by this proposition.
It remains to be hoped that soon we will be able to see O'Corra's script on the screen.

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